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VFX Art Scene - Palantir

So I watched the whole LotR trilogy yesterday and thought it'd be a good exercise to try and make a Palantir in Unity. Ended up with this.

+/- 6h of work.

This is simply a refractive sphere with some billboards inside, and a stencil to make sure they don't go outside the palantir.

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VFX Art Scene - Palantir

First sphere test:  just some refraction, spec and a few panning masks.

First sphere test: just some refraction, spec and a few panning masks.

Improved the shader a bit for the sphere and added some light shafts on the camera.

Improved the shader a bit for the sphere and added some light shafts on the camera.

Added the first billboards inside the sphere.

Added the first billboards inside the sphere.

Improved the shader and inside effect a bit. Looks very close to the actual Palantir, but I wanted it to feel a bit different.

Improved the shader and inside effect a bit. Looks very close to the actual Palantir, but I wanted it to feel a bit different.

Final result. Eye can now move inside the sphere (translation), thanks to a stencil that makes sure it never goes out.

Final result. Eye can now move inside the sphere (translation), thanks to a stencil that makes sure it never goes out.